2021 Holiday Virtch & Merch

12/05 – Nurture Nature

Available December 5, 2021

About This Project

NURTURE NATURE is a block of short outdoor films which deal with conservation and climate change. Learn about how issues like pollution, flooding, extinction and deforestation impact the lives of the people and places we care about.

Pay-what-you-can to watch on our virtual platform starting 12/5/21.

Part of our 2021 Holiday Virtch and Merch.

NURTURE NATURE features the following films:

AGUILUCHO: DANCE OF THE HARPY EAGLE – 21.85 minutes – by Daniel Byers – from United States
Short synopsis: In the Darién Gap rainforest, loggers and cattle ranchers pose a threat to indigenous communities’ way of life. When a rare Harpy Eagle nest is discovered, the Emberá tribe of Playa Muerto find an unlikely ally. By protecting the Eagle’s habitat, they can benefit from the ecotourism she attracts and reconnect with their traditional heritage.

HOME OR HIGH WATER – 11.5 minutes – by Dave Weich – from Portland, Oregon
Short synopsis: Battered by stronger, more frequent storms, residents are faced with an impossible decision: rebuild their home, or abandon their property and find a way to start again somewhere else. This film brings the conversation about the climate crisis into the practical reality of people’s lives. How are communities at risk adapting to these ever-progressing challenges?

JUNIPER RIDGE LANDFILL MEGADUMP PART 1 – 16.57 minutes – by Sunlight Media Collective – from Maine
Short synopsis: Each year, over 200,000 tons of toxic out-of-state waste is disposed of at Juniper Ridge Landfill in Maine. A citizen proposed bill will soon be introduced in the Maine State Legislature which aims to close a loophole allowing an interstate commercial waste operation to profit by laundering regional toxic waste material into this landfill.

THE TEARS OF SHIVA – 31.33 minutes – by Mikel Sarasola – from Spain
Short synopsis: Change is part and parcel of development and Nepal is undergoing a major transformation. Under the threat of disruption from hydropower, four kayakers descend the fierce waters of the Karnali to learn the secrets of this sacred river before power production leaves it forever changed.

UNDERSTORY – A JOURNEY INTO THE TONGASS – 40 minutes – by Colin Arisman – from VT
Short synopsis: Three women set sail on a 350 mile expedition through Alaska’s massive Tongass National Forest, exploring how clearcut logging in this coastal rainforest could affect wildlife, local communities and our planet’s climate.


More available MOFF 2021 Virtch and Merch screenings:
11/21 – The Queen’s Planet: films centered around women (available until 12/5)
11/28 – Pedal and Pow: films about cycling, skiing and snowboarding (available until 12/12)
12/12 – The Hero’s Journey: films in which the subjects embark on a journey
12/19 – Darkness and Light: films exploring dark and light themes
12/26 – Friends and Family: films based around friends and loved ones

MOFF 2021 Holiday Virtch & Merch