
Filmmaker: Adil Schindler Total Running Time: 0:07:26 Filming Location: Mexico Filmmaker Origin: Mexico Synopsis: Disconnect to reconnect! Our world is dominated by technology and noise. It's easy to get lost sometimes and people struggle more and more to find true happieness. Thiago Mendonca, a passionate diver and divemaster has one very simple advice to...

2020 MOFF Award Winner: Best Short FeatureFilmmaker: Seth Dahl of Big Cedar Media Total Running Time: 0:19:56 Filming Location: TLRH was shot in Grand Canyon National Park Filmmaker Origin: From Great Falls, Montana currently living in Boise, Idaho Synopsis: The Long River Home is a 20 minute documentary film about overcoming the residual impacts of...

Special Note: World Premiere Filmmaker: Megan Lubetkin Total Running Time: 0:09:27 Filming Location: Pacific Ocean Filmmaker Origin: Maine, USA Synopsis: Divergent Warmth is an exploratory descent to a divergent boundary. The deep submergence vehicle Alvin frequently dives along the East Pacific Rise, where the seafloor is ripping apart along a seam. Despite the immense pressure several...

2020 MOFF Award Winner: Inspiration AwardFilmmaker: Leigh Anne Sides Total Running Time: 0:34:00 Filming Location: United Kingdom Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Myrtle Simpson - trailblazer, pioneer, adventurer, mountain climber, polar explorer, writer, and mother. In 2017, over fifty years after she became the first woman to cross the polar ice cap covering Greenland, she...

2020 MOFF Award Winner: Best ShortFilmmaker: Anna Burns and Jack Bouchard Total Running Time: 0:04:22 Filming Location: New Hampshire Filmmaker Origin: Maine and New Hampshire Synopsis: Recycled to Ride' features Korey Nolan, a local New Hampshire surfer and surf crafter. Nolan has blended his love of surfing with his passion for environmental advocacy to create...

Filmmaker: Nicole Gormley Total Running Time: 0:13:13 Filming Location: South Korea Filmmaker Origin: Venice, CA Synopsis: Free diving legend Kimi Werner explores the rich history and culture of the Haenyeo, an iconic and resilient group of free diving women on the Island of Jeju. For centuries the Haenyeo have shattered norms in Korea as...

Film Title: OOBICA - A SHORT FILM Category: Profile , Maine Filmmaker: Samuel Brilliant Film's Geographic Origin: Old Orchard Beach, Maine Filmmaker Bio: Filmmaker, snowboarder, New Englander. Website: From the Filmmaker: "I got up in the morning in hopes of creating something with a hot coffee in my hand. The clouds were moving in waves like the...

Film Title: DIP AND SWAY Category: Nature Meditation, Maine Filmmaker: Dylan Ladds, Dooster Film's Geographic Origin: Belfast, Maine Filmmaker Bio: Dylan is a filmmaker based in Portland, ME. He and his childhood friend Ryan Scura make up Dooster - a production company specializing in short documentary films, especially in the outdoor adventure world. He...

Film Title: BIKING THROUGH THE SEASONS Category: Profile, Maine READY TO VOTE? Your Vote Will Help MOFF award $2500 to Filmmakers WATCH MORE EXTRA CREDIT ADVENTURE EDIT FILMS Filmmaker: Josh Lawless Film's Geographic Origin: Maine ...