
Filmmaker: Tom Attwater Total Running Time: 0:09:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Jason Cajune is a boatbuilder that grew up in the mountains of Montana. Every year his family takes a river trip. Last summer, they decided to float through the Upper Missouri Breaks National Monument on their way to...

Special Note: United States Premiere Filmmaker: The Locals Project (Production Company) Jacob Oster (Director / Producer) Total Running Time: 0:14:15 Filming Location: Oregon Filmmaker Origin: Salt Lake City, UT Synopsis: The Road. It takes us from point A, to point B, and all the way to point C. In a small nook of Oregon lies a...

Special Note: World Premiere Filmmaker: Megan Lubetkin Total Running Time: 0:09:27 Filming Location: Pacific Ocean Filmmaker Origin: Maine, USA Synopsis: Divergent Warmth is an exploratory descent to a divergent boundary. The deep submergence vehicle Alvin frequently dives along the East Pacific Rise, where the seafloor is ripping apart along a seam. Despite the immense pressure several...

Filmmaker: Greg Cairns Total Running Time: 0:07:44 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: I've learned that you can't win a fight against a river. Be it a river of time, or water, or salmon. We can only try to understand how to float along as best as we can, content, somewhere...

2020 MOFF Award Winner: Best Film From AwaySpecial Note: Maine Premiere Filmmaker: Nick Martini Total Running Time: 00:20:00 Filming Location: Los Angeles, CA Filmmaker Origin: Franconia, New Hampshire Synopsis: In the rugged White Mountains of northern-New Hampshire, Lahout’s has remained open 365 days a year since 1920. While technology and conglomerates have stripped the country of...

Special Note: New England Premiere Filmmaker: Henry Kinder Total Running Time: 0:16:48 Filming Location: Utah, USA Filmmaker Origin: Brooklyn, NY Synopsis: Desert Mourning is a film about what is lost when landscapes change. Focused on the ongoing conflict over the Grand Staircase-Escalante national monument in southern Utah, this short documentary investigates how individuals from different communities...

Filmmaker: Leigh Murphy Total Running Time: 0:06:53 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: A young girl is upset about her father's constant cell phone use taking away from their playtime. One night, she dreams about taking the phone high into the mountains to hide it from him. But, was it really...

Filmmaker: Ben Sturgulewski, Zack Giffin Total Running Time: 00:24:20 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Two best friends with very different views on life embark on a search for a mythical unskied mountain. This film to be screened at: 8/02/20 - Late Show - Thompson's Point - Portland...

Special Note: United States Premiere Filmmaker: Leandro Pérez Total Running Time: 0:03:40 Filming Location: Argentina and Chile Filmmaker Origin: Tinogasta (town), Catamarca (city), Argentina (country) Synopsis: Memories are a strange thing. They are similar to dreams in a sense, it's that almost blurry thing that we can only see in our mind, but no matter how...

Filmmaker: Elaine Elliott Total Running Time: 00:25:50 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Filling the Void is Steep South's first short film focusing on Chattanooga climbing and land acquisitions with original footage of Denny Cove. When Denny Cove opened in 2016, it was one of the biggest Access Fund climbing acquisitions...