
Special Note: Maine Premiere Filmmaker: Mike Wilkinson Total Running Time: 00:20:00 Filming Location: Kentucky Filmmaker Origin: Michigan Synopsis: Ice climbing in Kentucky?! This adventure documentary takes the audience for a bourbon-fueled ride deep into the bushy hollers of Appalachia with a crew of harmless misfits as they race to search out and climb new ice routes...

Special Note: New England Premiere Filmmaker: Kevin Mcgee & Brandon Bondehagen Total Running Time: 0:03:10 Filming Location: Fairbanks, Alaska Filmmaker Origin: Portland, Oregon Synopsis: Mini Doc. about a dog musher in Fairbanks Alaska and how he and his dogs work with each other in hard winter conditions. Thoughts from the filmmaker: It was a challenge keeping our equipment...

Special Note: Maine Premiere Filmmaker: Andrea Wing + Origin Total Running Time: 00:20:00 Filming Location: Whistler Filmmaker Origin: Canada Synopsis: When you have a vision that goes beyond the popular imagination, people tend to think you’re crazy. Mike Wiegele is no exception. He’s been called crazy his entire life. His pioneering vision and relentless determination have...

Filmmaker: Karl Koelling Total Running Time: 0:12:50 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Liza Dietzen has dreamt of competing as a dog sledder since learning about the Iditarod in kindergarten. Ever since, she's dedicated the majority of her life to raising and caring for her sled dog team, fostering a deep...

Special Note: World Premiere Filmmaker: Oliver Sutro Total Running Time: 0:08:19 Filming Location: New England Filmmaker Origin: Carbondale, CO Synopsis: After his father passed, Bennett uprooted his idyllic life as a fishing guide to try and get a "real" job in real estate. That plan flops and he spends the summer living on top of...

Filmmaker: Tom Attwater Total Running Time: 0:05:45 Filming Location: Oregon Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Landlocked mountain towns aren't always known for their water culture. But for San Diego native and Montana transplant Jack Christiansen, the waterways of the Rockies present the perfect opportunity to reimagine the sport he grew up learning to love:...

Filmmaker: James Coleman, Jenny Nichols Total Running Time: 0:08:28 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: This year our program took us all across the state of Colorado to tell the story of Mackenzie McGrath and her path to understanding personal wellness, after loosing her brother to cancer. It is a beautiful...

Film Title: EXTRA CREDIT ADVENTURE EDIT Category: Highlight, Maine Filmmaker: Edward M Babbitt III Film's Geographic Origin: Portland, Maine Filmmaker Bio: 24 year old videographer from Portland, Maine who loves filming skateboarding and outdoor films. Website: From the Filmmaker: Only have a limited amount of time to shoot each year because of the snow we...

Film Title: AARON - SAILMAINE Category: Profile , Maine Filmmaker: Swallowtail / Dean Merrill Film's Geographic Origin: Portland, Maine Filmmaker Bio: Cinematographer living in Portland since 1998 Website: From the Filmmaker: SailMaine is a local non-profit providing access to Portland's waterfront to all. This film to be screened at: 8/09/20 - Urban Farm Fermentory - Portland...