
Filmmaker: Camden Spear Total Running Time: 0:04:45 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Boothbay, Maine Synopsis: Charlie, Kelsey and Hannah are female anglers who also happen to be medical students. In the midst of their busy school schedules, these future physicians root themselves in fly fishing, a male dominated sport, and recharged amidst their...

Filmmaker: Bailey J. Beltramo Total Running Time: 0:04:47 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New Hampshire Synopsis: Tucked away in the suburbs of Concord, Ry's Way is a trail for everyone that pays tribute to a longtime community member, avid cyclist, and impactful person. This film to be screened: 8/8/21 - The St. Croix Program Filmmaker Bio: Bailey...

Filmmaker: Julia Ngeow Total Running Time: 0:06:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: A documentary short that features the Vermont-based ultra-runner, author, and social-justice advocate, Mirna Valerio, which explores the interrelation between environmentalism and racial justice. This film to be screened: 7/29/21 - The Kennebec Program Special Note: World Premiere...

Filmmaker: Greg O'Connor Total Running Time: 0:02:50 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: Cape Elizabeth is home to some of the most scenic mountain biking trails in Maine, with wide open fields, long wood bridges, and ocean views. Follow Megan, a local, along for a ride through the many trails the Cape has...

Filmmaker: Cassidy Motahari Total Running Time: 0:10:42 Filming Location: Vermont Filmmaker Origin: VT Synopsis: "Rewilding the Northeast" introduces the people, mission, and landscapes of Northeast Wilderness Trust. The film shows the importance of protecting forever-wild landscapes across New England and the Adirondacks, for nature and people. Support for this film was provided by the...

Filmmaker: Hank Leukart Total Running Time: 0:20:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: This film to be screened: 8/5/21 - The Androscoggin Program Special Note: USA Premiere Filmmaker Bio: Hank Leukart is passionate about using technology to share compelling, immersive stories, and especially well-versed in launching film projects combining travel to unusual locales with socially-conscious issues like...

Filmmaker: Geoff Nickerson Total Running Time: 0:08:54 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: This film documents an artist's journey along the Island Maine Island Trail. This film to be screened: 8/1/21 - The Mattawamkeag Program Filmmaker Bio: "Project 20/20" was a film made by lifelong friends from Southern Maine who were just looking for an adventure after...

Filmmaker: Colin Jones , Anthill Films Total Running Time: 0:06:01 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Chicago-based bike messenger Nico Deportago-Cabrera departs from the hectic bustle of his normal life by venturing into the Arizona desert, an unknown landscape that’s starkly different from the daily chaos of the city. Guided only...

Filmmaker: Maine Mountain Media Total Running Time: 0:37:36 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: A short feature that follows the Saddleback comeback journey and the resort's vision for a vibrant future. This film to be screened: 7/30/21 - The Penobscot Program Filmmaker Bio: Both in our early 30s, we live in the mid-coast region now. We travel...

Filmmaker: V A G R A N T S Total Running Time: 0:22:00 Filming Location: Back East Filmmaker Origin: Massachusetts Synopsis: This film follows six skiers' love affair with backcountry skiing in our own backyard. To us, the mark of a true New England skier is a deep appreciation for the bad days just...