
2020 MOFF Award Winner: Best Short FeatureFilmmaker: Seth Dahl of Big Cedar Media Total Running Time: 0:19:56 Filming Location: TLRH was shot in Grand Canyon National Park Filmmaker Origin: From Great Falls, Montana currently living in Boise, Idaho Synopsis: The Long River Home is a 20 minute documentary film about overcoming the residual impacts of...

2020 MOFF Award Winner: Best Film From AwaySpecial Note: Maine Premiere Filmmaker: Nick Martini Total Running Time: 00:20:00 Filming Location: Los Angeles, CA Filmmaker Origin: Franconia, New Hampshire Synopsis: In the rugged White Mountains of northern-New Hampshire, Lahout’s has remained open 365 days a year since 1920. While technology and conglomerates have stripped the country of...

Special Note: United States Premiere Filmmaker: Say Mahalo Total Running Time: 0:03:17 Filming Location: In Italy, at Lago di Resia Filmmaker Origin: Germany Synopsis: "Just Be" is a short movie about the art of living wide rather than living long. "Life's short, they say. But...

Filmmaker: ROVE Total Running Time: 0:03:00 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Tim Jackson is a life long ice fisherman and founder of the Maine-based ice fishing trap manufacturer, Jack Traps. Now in retirement, Tim's mission is to preserve and spread the history and tradition of ice fishing in Maine, and to...

Special Note: Maine Premiere Filmmaker: Andrea Wing + Origin Total Running Time: 00:20:00 Filming Location: Whistler Filmmaker Origin: Canada Synopsis: When you have a vision that goes beyond the popular imagination, people tend to think you’re crazy. Mike Wiegele is no exception. He’s been called crazy his entire life. His pioneering vision and relentless determination have...

Film Title: BIKING THROUGH THE SEASONS Category: Profile, Maine READY TO VOTE? Your Vote Will Help MOFF award $2500 to Filmmakers WATCH MORE EXTRA CREDIT ADVENTURE EDIT FILMS Filmmaker: Josh Lawless Film's Geographic Origin: Maine ...