Wilder Summer

2018 Broke and Stoked Finalist

About This Project

This film is a 2018 Broke and stoked Finalist

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Film Title:

Wilder Summer


Anna Burns




College student and sports videographer


This film is a collection of my favorite memories and moments from this summer in Maine, California, and Colorado going on adventures with my favorite people.

This film to be screened at:

8/17/18 – Broke and Stoked Showcase at the T3 Life Happens Outside Festival – Freeport, ME  (FB Event)
9/01/18 – Three Rivers – The Forks, ME  (FB Event)

From the Filmmaker:

I love creating films because I think it’s the most immersive way to get a glimpse into a moment, memory, or story. There are so many aspects that make up a film and so many directions you can go with it, that each project can be completely unique. I’ve loved finding my style over the years and learning how I can use that to tell a story in an innovative way each time I pick up a camera or open up my laptop.

8/17 Freeport, 9/1 The Forks