Ghost of Steelhead Future

2019 MOFF Selection

About This Project


RC Cone

Total Running Time:





We need to learn from the past to avoid the same mistakes in the future. The short film, Ghost of Steelhead Future follows Oregon fishing guide, Jon Hazlett on a journey through the past. Connecting the near extinction of the Atlantic salmon in Maine with the ever decreasing runs of Steelhead on the West coast – Jon sees first hand the warning signs and potential solutions to keep his rivers healthy for generations to come. Directors Statement: This is a concept we’ve been scheming on for a few years. It’s a story about the steelhead fishery on the West coast when viewed through the lens of what happened to the Atlantic salmon on the East coast. We wanted it to be funny, fishy but still really sad – let’s not repeat the same mistakes we’ve already made.

This film to be screened at:

8/23/2019 – Belgrade Comm. Ctr for All Seasons – Belgrade – (FB Event)
9/12/2019 – Steamboat Landing – Belfast – (FB Event)

8/23 Belgrade, 9/12 Belfast, Earth Day 2020, MOFF 2019