
Filmmaker(s): Jean-Philippe Marquis Total Running Time: 1:20:00 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Quebec Synopsis: A study of both our connection and disconnection with the forest, Silvicola is a film which demands a rethink of the divisions between natural and industrial worlds by spotlighting the hidden labour and logics of modern forestry This film to be...

Filmmaker(s): James S Merkel, Deborah Shaffer Total Running Time: 1:28:54 Filming Location: Cuba, India, Slovenia, United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: When a young arms dealer discovers his work is harming families in less affluent societies, he has an ethical crisis and begins a decades-long journey to redeem himself and make the world a...

Filmmaker(s): Lizzie MacKenzie Total Running Time: 1:20:18 Filming Location: United Kingdom Filmmaker Origin: United Kingdom Synopsis: Scottish BAFTA 22 Winner Single Documentary- After 40 years of solitude, a spirited elderly hermit opens his life to young female director as he tackles ill health, a declining memory, and questions whether he can live out his...

Filmmaker(s): Harrison Buck Total Running Time: 1:02:10 Filming Location: Bahamas Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: A film 7-years in the making, Meko is the story of man and community who have weathered the storm. Join filmmaker Harrison Buck on an in-depth look into the macro-effects of climate change on delicate coastal communities like the Bahamas...

Filmmaker(s): Ben Sturgulewski Total Running Time: 1:20:00 Filming Location: Afghanistan, Germany Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: Bamyan, Afghanistan is again on the edge of a great change. Skiing has been introduced to the area. Two teenage potato farmers from rival ethnic groups vie for the crown of a ski race, led by a local Olympic-hopeful...

Filmmaker(s): Tara Roberts Zabriskie Total Running Time: 0:50:42 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: The Buzz on Native Plants explores the relationship between native plants and pollinators and how they can benefit local ecosystems in our ever changing climate. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - at Maine Studio Works -...

Filmmaker(s): John Price, Patrick Hoffman Total Running Time: 0:58:49 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Alberta Synopsis: Follow two modern day adventurers as they embark on a rock climbing journey through time, celebrating the rich history and folklore of one of Canada’s most iconic climbing cliffs and paying homage to the colourful characters who have...

Filmmaker(s): James Khanlarian Total Running Time: 1:45:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: As Jamie, a young lobsterman, rehabilitates his girlfriend after an accident on his boat, his life begins to fall apart. Not only are his lobster traps sabotaged, prompting a turf war on the water, but he is also...

Filmmaker(s): Thor F Jensen Total Running Time: 60 Filming Location: Papua New Guinea Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: Danish explorer and director Jensen and three Papuan sailors embark on their world-first attempt to circumnavigate the island of New Guinea, all in a traditional Papuan sailing canoe. As they navigate through treacherous waters, they must overcome...

Filmmaker(s): Alex Lopez Total Running Time: 0:52:00 Filming Location: France Filmmaker Origin: France Synopsis: Human beings have always had an insatiable need to explore their environment, whether through space, underwater, alpine or underground conquests. Punctuated by images and stories of their exploration. This film traces the attempt of Cédric Lachat and David Parrot to...