
Filmmaker: Square State Film and the Wyoming Wilderness Association Total Running Time: 0:19:51 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Wyoming Synopsis: An increasing love for motorized and mechanized recreation has created a wave of opposition to the Wilderness Act of 1964. As this conflict spreads across the west and around the globe, The Palisades...

Filmmaker: Joshua M. Thomas Total Running Time: 0:09:57 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: Four siblings delve into the love they share for the family’s old, beat up truck. This love gets tested. This film to be screened: 8/8/21 - The St. Croix Program Special Note: New England Premiere Filmmaker Bio: This film was made at the start...

Filmmaker: Ian Cheney Total Running Time: 1:20:35 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: ME Synopsis: In a series of lyrical portraits, THE LONG COAST illuminates the stories of Maine's seafolk, those whose lives and livelihoods are inextricably connected to the ocean. This film shows the beauty and uncertainty they face as overfishing, aquaculture and...

Filmmaker: Roger McCord Total Running Time: 0:03:16 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Cumberland, Maine Synopsis: A pictorial essay on a landmark known as "America's first light": the West Quoddy Head lighthouse in Lubec, Maine. This film to be screened: 7/29/21 - The Kennebec Program Filmmaker Bio: I have lived in Cumberland, Maine, for 24 years – officially...

Filmmaker: Rob Apse Total Running Time: 1:00:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New Hampshire Synopsis: This lighthouse film odyssey across New England, explores the regions final act to save these American sentinels that once defined a nation, now deemed excess, where individuals fight to preserve their structures and recount their folklore before their...

Filmmaker: Ashley Siana Total Running Time: 0:17:05 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Montana Synopsis: THE GILDED TRAP profiles Jamien Hallowell, a young Maine lobster fisherman, and Dr. Richard Wahle, a marine biologist studying the changing lobster population within the Gulf of Maine. The film depicts the shallow and sheltered Gulf of Maine as a...

Filmmaker: Rob Steger Total Running Time: 0:19:58 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: After quitting her job to pursue her dream of running professionally, Brittany Charboneau quickly found herself not having any fun with the sport she loved. Was there really only one path to success in becoming a professional runner or...

Filmmaker: Sam Davies Total Running Time: 0:03:18 Filming Location: US, Canada Filmmaker Origin: Vermont Synopsis: The Borderlands is a partnership of 8 mountain bike destinations across New England and Southern Quebec. Together, we're working toward making the Northeast a national mountain bike destination. This film to be screened: 8/6/21 - The Nezinscot Program Three thoughts from...

Filmmaker: Alex Wolf Lewis and Kaitlyn Schwalje Total Running Time: 0:12:00 Filming Location: New York Filmmaker Origin: ME Synopsis: Snowy, a four-inch-long pet turtle, has lived an isolated life in the family basement. With help from a team of experts and his caretaker, Uncle Larry, we ask: Can Snowy be happy, and what would...

Filmmaker: Steve Underwood Total Running Time: 0:04:00 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: ME Synopsis: This film to be screened: 8/7/21 - The Sheepscot Program...