
This film is a 2018 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Film Title: Headlamps: Off Filmmaker: Wingspan A/V (Matt Nasi) Hometown: Scarborough Title: Owner, Creator at Wingspan A/V Synopsis: The night skies off Maine's Coast are some of the Darkest in the United States. We follow Maine photographer, Tyler Inman, on...

Director: Joseph Enoch Total Running Time: 0:09:57 Origin: United States Synopsis: This is a short film documenting my solo 1200 kilometer bike ride from Hamburg, Germany to Zurich, Switzerland. It's a quick-paced visual and musical adventure that seats the viewer in the saddle of this amazing journey across a large swath of...

Director: New Directions Media Total Running Time: 0:35:42 Origin: Maine Synopsis: The film tells the story of a neighborhood group that fought for 10 years to save a historic, 1847 stone arch bridge in rural Saco. This film to be screened at: 9/29/18 – FEATURES SATURDAY – 10:30am Talbot Auditorium (USM) – Portland, ME (FB Event) GET TICKETS...

Director: Ryan Leighton Total Running Time: 105 minutes Origin: Maine Synopsis: What begins as a father and son’s hike from Georgia to Maine, grows into a story of self-discovery and grand adventure. Walking Home follows several hikers as they attempt to complete 2,200 miles of the Appalachian Trail. While some hike in...

Director: Luke Seile, Paul Williams Total Running Time: 0:21:48 Origin: United States Synopsis: Three of the worlds best freeride mountain bikers travel to Nicaragua to ride down active volcanoes. This film to be screened at: 9/19/18 – Waterfront Park – Bath, ME  (FB Event) 9/20/18 – John Bapst High School Auditorium – Bangor, ME  (FB Event) From the Filmmaker: This was...

Director: Ethan Vara, Brian Walsh Total Running Time: 0:23:00 Origin: United States Synopsis: Transcend is a short documentary about Motocross racing and riding in New England. Featuring riders such as Robby Marshall, Brody Wilson, Jimmy Decotis and many more. This film to be screened at: 9/07/18 – Greenville High School – Greenville, ME  (FB Event) 10/2/18 – WCCC...

Director: Dave Weich Total Running Time: 0:22:20 Origin: United States Synopsis: Jeff and Angela wanted to have a camping trip that never ended, and to see if they could live off the land. So they dropped out of college to attend the "school of life." They hired a boat captain to ferry...

Director: Tim Flower, Hamish Pattison Total Running Time: 0:09:32 Origin: New Zealand Synopsis: Take a visit to the south island whitebaiting haven Kwitchatown, an isolated world where men shelter from modernity, and seek peace in the landscape, friendship and the ritual capture of tiny fish. This film to be screened at: 9/01/18 – Three Rivers...

Director: Nicole Ellena, Erick Vigouroux Total Running Time: 0:16:00 Origin: Chile Synopsis: The Unseen Mountains is a documentary that seeks to discover the Nahuelbuta mountain range through the descent in kayak of one of its most emblematic rivers: the Carampangue. The journey will initiate from the birth of the river to to...

Director: Battulga Gantulga, Munkhsaikhan Gundsambuu Total Running Time: 0:20:51 Origin: Mongolia Synopsis: The movie is about the Dutch, French and Mongolian snowboarders splitboarding adventure in Altai mountain range. Mongolian nomadic culture, nature and mountains. Mongolia is the Chinggis Khaan's homeland, the country has a great history and beautiful nature. With this movie...