
Filmmaker(s): Jane Geisler Total Running Time: 0:06:34 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Louisiana Synopsis: Using archival film and contemporary digital footage, “Death of the Eternals” places bald cypress felled in the 1920s in conversation with descendants threatened by climate change and continued logging practices. Unfolding in reverse, this experimental horror speaks to the...

Filmmaker(s): Steep Motion, Nicole Southwell Total Running Time: 0:25:00 Filming Location: France, United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Frontline follows a resilient group of women who use running, friendship, and adventure as their antidote to burnout from working in healthcare. Together, they're training to trail run Mont Blanc, circumnavigating Europe's highest peak over...

Filmmaker(s): Mario Heller Total Running Time: 0:14:37 Filming Location: Switzerland Filmmaker Origin: Switzerland Synopsis: On 15 February 1993 at the Breitwangflue above Kandersteg in Switzerland, Xaver Bongard and Michael Gruber made the first ascent of Crack Baby. A year later, Bongard died in a BASE jumping accident. In this film Siegrist and Gruber return...

Filmmaker(s): Matthew Williams, Peter Grigsby, Owen Bettis Total Running Time: 14.27 Filming Location: Mexico Filmmaker Origin: Washington Synopsis: In southern Baja, the Lucero’s lives have been interwoven with fishing for generations. A commercial and subsistence fishery has evolved into a region focused on pesca-tourism with saltwater fly fishing at the core. Bitter Water traces...

Filmmaker(s): James Khanlarian Total Running Time: 1:45:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: As Jamie, a young lobsterman, rehabilitates his girlfriend after an accident on his boat, his life begins to fall apart. Not only are his lobster traps sabotaged, prompting a turf war on the water, but he is also...

Filmmaker(s): Connor David Brady, Josey Brady Total Running Time: 0:14:21 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: Ski Venture, a Ski Co-op started in 1937 tucked away in the West Glenville hills of Upstate New York is 110 feet, tow rope accessed, and all natural snow. If an alternative model of skiing...

Filmmaker(s): Marie France L'Ecuyer Total Running Time: 0:28:00 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Canada Synopsis: In the depths of winter, a group of young Innu and non-indigenous adventurers attempt to cross the vast Uapishka Mountains on snowshoes, in complete autonomy. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 - The Yellow Birch Shorts Block at Maine...

Filmmaker(s): Mariah Lundgren Total Running Time: 0:27:40 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: This is a story about a community of people working together to improve fencelines, so pronghorn and other wildlife can move more freely. It also celebrates the wildlife that call the North Platte River Valley home and the folks...

Filmmaker(s): Dominic L Azoto Total Running Time: 0:33:53 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: In The 80 and 90 in the Shawangunks NY a traditional climber Rich Romano put up extremely hard dangerous routes, a lot of which have not been repeated. We re re-visit these climbs with a new generation...

Filmmaker(s): Vincent DiFrancesco Total Running Time: 0:28:51 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Oregon Synopsis: A crew of young Americans endure a week-long traverse of Oregon’s rugged and fire-shapen Kalmiopsis Wilderness in an effort to revitalize a historic hiking trail. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - The Enviro Stewardship + Climate Change Shorts Block...