
Filmmaker(s): Elena Mozzhelina Total Running Time: 0:16:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: A story of healing through cold ocean waters of the Maine coast. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The Maine Filmmaker Showcase at Maine Studio Works, Big Room - *North America Premiere* Film Trailer: ...

Filmmaker(s): Colin Arisman Total Running Time: 0:29:31 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Vermont Synopsis: As wolves repopulate Washington State, conflict is heating up with rural ranching communities. Range rider Daniel Curry's job is to patrol wild areas on horseback, creating a buffer between wolves and the cattle herds that graze on public lands. This...

Filmmaker(s): Kim Lowe Total Running Time: 0:06:56 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Massachusetts Synopsis: Bill Perkins is a beekeeper in Boston who shares his knowledge and love of bees with his community, much like a bee spreading pollen. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 - The Yellow Birch Shorts Block at Maine Studio...

Filmmaker(s): John Concillo Total Running Time: 0:12:19 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Oregon Synopsis: Most likely, a young person today in the U.S. will finish high school and not know of William O. Douglas. For anyone familiar with his legacy, this is insupportable. His ideas and philosophies are fundamental wellsprings for a genuinely...

Filmmaker(s): Dan Dunn, Josh Bogardus Total Running Time: 0:12:50 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: At the doorstep of Huntington Ravine, sits The Harvard Cabin — a remote respite for ice climbers and backcountry skiers to escape the elements. “The Caretaker" follows the story of Jack Kingsley, who spends his days...

Filmmaker(s): John Price, Patrick Hoffman Total Running Time: 0:58:49 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Alberta Synopsis: Follow two modern day adventurers as they embark on a rock climbing journey through time, celebrating the rich history and folklore of one of Canada’s most iconic climbing cliffs and paying homage to the colourful characters who have...

Filmmaker(s): Caleb N.L. Baker Total Running Time: 0:02:30 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: This short film is the product of a twelve month process examining the meanderings of a central Maine brook from above. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The White Pine Shorts Block at The Eastern Prom - *World Premiere* Film...

Filmmaker(s): Abby Wilson Total Running Time: 0:06:25 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: Scarborough Land Trust was founded in 1977. Meet two of the founding members of the trust and learn about how the organization worked to combat the pressures of development. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - The Enviro Stewardship +...

Filmmaker(s): Max Lowe Total Running Time: 0:09:00 Filming Location: Filmmaker Origin: Not Specified Synopsis: While many of us associate the winter with darkness, restraint, and lifelessness, polar bears see the opposite. It is a time of vitality and vigor, and the anticipation of hunting and mating can be seen and felt when visiting...

Filmmaker(s): Lindsey Hagen Total Running Time: 0:15:41 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Follow as the Kahle family breaks the cycle of generational health issues by revolutionizing their farming practices. Driven by a deep commitment to their family and community's well-being, the Kahle's bring revelatory science practices to combat years of...