
Filmmaker(s): Sarah Hamilton Total Running Time: 0:10:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: River Mamma - follows Elisha McArthur - a lifelong raft guide and single mom, and her relationship with her teenage goth daughter, Charlotte, who has no interest in rivers at all. It is an intimate portrait of an...

Filmmaker(s): Chris Ozminski Total Running Time: 0:16:21 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Travel on foot through the great white north with a team of expeditioneers. Immerse in wilderness while crossing into the Arctic Watershed, navigating harsh conditions and the approaching winter of life. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The...

Filmmaker(s): Alastair Lee Total Running Time: 0:30:00 Filming Location: Greenland Filmmaker Origin: United Kingdom Synopsis: Join the wild bunch of Jacob Cook, Bronwyn Hodgins, Angela Vanwiemeersch, Kelsey Watts and Zack Goldberg-Poch, along with professional film maker Jaron Pham, as they take on a modern day expedition in Greenland kayaking 450km to access 'Sanderson's Hope'-...

Filmmaker(s): Bene Meadows Total Running Time: 0:10:59 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: In the Appalachians, there are species of bass found nowhere else on Earth. They are genetically-distinct in dire need of help. A community has rallied around them to champion the species. Join Matt and Mary Beth as they...

Filmmaker(s): Matthew Williams, Peter Grigsby, Owen Bettis Total Running Time: 14.27 Filming Location: Mexico Filmmaker Origin: Washington Synopsis: In southern Baja, the Lucero’s lives have been interwoven with fishing for generations. A commercial and subsistence fishery has evolved into a region focused on pesca-tourism with saltwater fly fishing at the core. Bitter Water traces...

Filmmaker(s): Dominic L Azoto Total Running Time: 0:33:53 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: In The 80 and 90 in the Shawangunks NY a traditional climber Rich Romano put up extremely hard dangerous routes, a lot of which have not been repeated. We re re-visit these climbs with a new generation...

  Filmmaker(s): Thomas Love Total Running Time: 0:10:21 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: A young man’s relentless journey to regain his freedom and pursue his passion. Hunting waterfowl as a recovering quadriplegic, Rob is a reminder to keep striving no matter the obstacle. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The Balsam...