
Filmmaker(s): Matter Video Total Running Time: 0:26:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Massachusetts Synopsis: For over 230 years, Lowell’s Boat Shop has perched over the Merrimack River in Massachusetts. Graham McKay, the master boat builder, safeguards tradition and community at the shop. While Graham has mentored for years, he finds an uncommonly precocious...

Filmmaker(s): Thor F Jensen Total Running Time: 60 Filming Location: Papua New Guinea Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: Danish explorer and director Jensen and three Papuan sailors embark on their world-first attempt to circumnavigate the island of New Guinea, all in a traditional Papuan sailing canoe. As they navigate through treacherous waters, they must overcome...

Filmmaker(s): Brooke Raines Total Running Time: 0:03:47 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: WEEKLONG follows the transformative journey of foster and underserved young adults as they embark on an ambitious mission to summit one of Southern California's most grueling peaks – San Gorgonio. This deeply human story explores each participant's inner and...

Filmmaker(s): Matt Coddaire Total Running Time: 0:15:22 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: From the Heartland is a candid depiction of American Agriculture and the rural towns that are reliant on its success. But when an industry's ability to thrive is dependent on progress, how does the family farm discard the practices...

Filmmaker(s): Aaron Garcia Total Running Time: 0:03:41 Filming Location: Switzerland Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: In the beautiful and towering mountains of Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, a paradise for Wingsuit professionals seeking thrills during the off-season, the lives of two men converge. Avalon, an American Wingsuit pilot, and a Filipino-Australian documentary filmmaker unite to capture Avalon's audacious...

Filmmaker(s): Katie Hake Total Running Time: 0:12:13 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: From slicing through rapids in a whitewater kayak to carving into a plate while printmaking, Alexandra “Chachi” Riesco draws lines between geologic forces and her work and play — but following her own line isn’t always easy. As Chachi...

Filmmaker(s): Ellie Louise Lafferty Total Running Time: 0:25:32 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Oregon Synopsis: Life at Sea plunges into the reality of living aboard a research vessel, where Daisy Braun, an artist from Portland, Maine, ventures unknowingly. Amidst seasoned sailors and scientists, the narrative delves deep into the lives of those who...

Filmmaker(s): Alex Lopez Total Running Time: 0:52:00 Filming Location: France Filmmaker Origin: France Synopsis: Human beings have always had an insatiable need to explore their environment, whether through space, underwater, alpine or underground conquests. Punctuated by images and stories of their exploration. This film traces the attempt of Cédric Lachat and David Parrot to...

Filmmaker(s): Morgan LE FAUCHEUR Total Running Time: 0:36:35 Filming Location: France Filmmaker Origin: France Synopsis: UNDER [SI:] recounts the birth of the underwater ecomuseum in Cannes, near the southern shore of Île Sainte-Marguerite. From stopover to stopover, the documentary goes to meet the protagonists and the places that participated in the project. This film to...

Filmmaker(s): Moritz Krause Total Running Time: 1:33:35 Filming Location: Svalbard and Jan Mayen Filmmaker Origin: Germany Synopsis: End to End Svalbard is an immersive and captivating documentary film that chronicles the remarkable 40-day expedition of a team of seven adventurers as they journey across Spitsbergen, from South to North, battling extreme weather, treacherous terrains,...