
Filmmaker(s): Brandon Lavoie Total Running Time: 0:12:13 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: A father and his daughter gear up to compete in a unique race known as the Ride & Tie World Championship for the first time in six years. Whether riding their horse, Coda, or running through the woods,...

Filmmaker(s): Sarah Hamilton Total Running Time: 0:13:24 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: Dolly's Song is a 13 minute documentary following retired trailbuilder Dolly Chapman as she passes on the art of the crosscut saw. She never had a mentor herself and is looking to give that to the next generation of...

Filmmaker(s): Tom Bell Total Running Time: 0:32:19 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: For anyone who yearns for a human connection to music, this is the story of a quirky radio station in Maine and its eccentric DJs. The 32-minute documentary showcases the people behind the microphone, taking the audience into the...

Filmmaker(s): Tyler Burr Total Running Time: 0:10:45 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: New Brunswick Synopsis: Brooke Carten has been rock climbing for long enough that it's hard to imagine who she'd be if it weren't for climbing's influence on her life...

Filmmaker(s): Caitlin Grant Total Running Time: 0:05:47 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: Carol, a woman born with cerebral palsy, decides to take back control of her life by pursuing adventure sports, only to be met with more health challenges, difficult decisions, and opportunities to understand her mental and physical strength. This film...

Filmmaker(s): Olivier Loubieres Total Running Time: 0:10:45 Filming Location: France Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: While canoeing in an enchanting landscape, a young woman makes a discovery that will shape the course of her life. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 - The Poplar Program Shorts Block (at MSW Big Room) - *World...

Filmmaker(s): Oogie _ Push Total Running Time: 0:27:08 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Minnesota Synopsis: Tama Flint: A Meskwaki Tradition sheds light on the history, cultural teachings, and modern stories about Meskwaki corn. Both surviving centuries of ice ages and colonization, the Meskwaki and its ancestral corn Tama Flint have enjoyed a unique...

Filmmaker(s): Ben Sturgulewski Total Running Time: 1:20:00 Filming Location: Afghanistan, Germany Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: Bamyan, Afghanistan is again on the edge of a great change. Skiing has been introduced to the area. Two teenage potato farmers from rival ethnic groups vie for the crown of a ski race, led by a local Olympic-hopeful...

Filmmaker(s): Pete Warren Total Running Time: 0:11:46 Filming Location: Dominican Republic, Vermont Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Pete Warren tells the story of Zorzal Cacao. Reserva Zorzal turned to organic and sustainable cacao production to fund a protected area designed to help preserve the wintering habitat of one of North America's rarest birds -...

Filmmaker(s): Juliette Sutherland Total Running Time: 0:06:37 Filming Location: Trinidad and Tobago Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: A non profit in rural Trinidad helps at-risk youths through free-diving and water-sports. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 - The Red Spruce Program Shorts Block at The Eastern Prom Film Trailer: