
Filmmaker: Natalie Simmons Total Running Time: 0:13:05 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Tennessee Synopsis: The wilderness has long been a place people go to find themselves. After a traumatic loss, one woman travels to interior Alaska to bike on snow with friends. They return with new insights about life and how challenges shape...

Filmmaker: Marty Pottenger, Vera Francis Total Running Time: 0:04:30 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: We created this listening video - Blessing of the Creatures - as a call to action honoring all the creatures of the Earth, including us humans. The Passamaquoddy Drum Song was reunited with the Passamaquoddy people through recordings...

Filmmaker: Hannah Walsh Total Running Time: 0:06:54 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: Waking up on a cold, winter Vancouver morning, most people choose to stay inside sipping their steaming coffee. This is not the case for Roberta Cenedese, as her mornings look drastically different. Instead, she wakes up and heads for...

Filmmaker: Harrison Mendel Total Running Time: 0:02:00 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: Everything is connected. Each ride is an extension of the one before. Each reentry is a transition to the next launch. Each experience builds on one another toward a flow state of endless progression. Only the settings and perspectives...

Filmmaker: David Busse Total Running Time: 0:04:30 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Wisconsin Synopsis: A meditative glimpse of birds navigating a snowstorm on Lake Michigan. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/29 - The Bigelow Program...

Filmmaker: Nick Stone Schearer Total Running Time: 0:33:26 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: don't feed the coyotes' observes several years in the intertwined lives of San Francisco's urban coyotes. The story centers around a three year-old coyote, fondly-named Scout, and her territorial challenger, the scientifically-dubbed 15F. Chronicling their lives through the...

Filmmaker: Andrew Kornylak Total Running Time: 0:24:18 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: North Carolina Synopsis: The story of North Carolina musician and rock climbing legend Mike Stam and the second ascent of his high country bouldering test piece, The Inner Mounting Flame. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/29 - The Bigelow Program Film Trailer: [vc_video...

Filmmaker: Patrick Bonsant, Susan Kimball, and David Blais Total Running Time: 0:07:26 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: Modern day explorer, author and Bicycle Benefits founder Ian Klepetar found his way to Baldwin, Maine while cycling to Portland in the summer of 2020. A water tower landmark on Route 113 caught his eye...

Filmmaker: Evan Kay Total Running Time: 0:10:05 Filming Location: Vermont Filmmaker Origin: Vermont Synopsis: Using a bicycle modified to ride on abandoned train tracks, pro mountain bike rider Alex McAndrew and his wife Ella head out into the unknown in search of remote fishing, camping, biking, and adventure. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/29...

Filmmaker: Tate Yoder Total Running Time: 41:17 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: A Watershed Moment tells the story of an all-hands effort involving fishermen, three coastal Maine communities, non-profit organizations, and state and federal management agencies to restore fish passage throughout the entire Bagaduce River Watershed in Maine. These grassroots efforts to...