
  Filmmaker(s): Thomas Love Total Running Time: 0:10:21 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: A young man’s relentless journey to regain his freedom and pursue his passion. Hunting waterfowl as a recovering quadriplegic, Rob is a reminder to keep striving no matter the obstacle. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The Balsam...

Filmmaker(s): Nadia Louis-Desmarchais Total Running Time: 0:21:27 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Quebec Synopsis: THE WORLD IS OURS documents the opportunity given to six Montreal teenage girls to leave their urban environment to take part in a nature canoe-camping expedition. By presenting their struggles and small victories, the film poetically and luminously embraces their...

Filmmaker(s): Cody Townsend Total Running Time: 0:45:00 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: The Polar Star Couloir is set in Baffin Island, Canada. The reason to travel thousands of miles through the arctic wilderness, camp for ten days on the surface of the frozen ocean and battle glacial winds is obvious; checking it...

Filmmaker(s): Francine Strickwerda Total Running Time: 0:52:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Washington Synopsis: In ULTIMATE CITIZENS, Jamshid is an Iranian who came to study in 1970’s America, and due to the Revolution, never went “home.” As a guidance counselor in Seattle Public Schools, his best work takes place with frisbee in hand...

Filmmaker: Blake Horn Total Running Time: 0:10:30 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: United States Filmmaker Origin: We follow a day in the life of Yosarian Bisbee, aka Yo, as he gathers “junk” from the local dump and unwanted food from the grocery store, all in an effort to minimize waste. This film to be screened: ...

Filmmaker: Gabriella Medrano, Lukas Chin Total Running Time: 0:15:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: Food in Your Belly is a story of a young woman's one thousand four hundred mile hike undertaken as a way to recover from an eating disorder. Aster has two goals: hike the Appalachian Trail and...

Filmmaker: Hillia Aho Total Running Time: 0:08:51 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: Robin is a recluse who prefers nature and solitude to the comforts and companionship of civilization. Her lifestyle reflects her resourcefulness: stolen food, a shelter crafted from salvaged materials, decorated with found treasures. One winter day, a logging operation...

Filmmaker: Sean Duggan Total Running Time: 1:01:09 Filming Location: Ireland Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: Keep It A Secret recounts the inspiring true story of the dawn of Irish surfing and how the sport’s brave pioneers found peace in the surf during the most violent years of The Troubles conflict. In 1972, every international...

Filmmaker: Jerry Monkman Total Running Time: 0:11:12 Filming Location: Maine Filmmaker Origin: New Hampshire Synopsis: The people of Gardiner, Maine work to provide fish passage around three historic dams on Cobbossee Stream for the first time in 270 years. The goal: restore an ecosystem that can support millions of river herring and other wildlife. This...

Filmmaker: Paula Champagne Total Running Time: 0:11:27 Filming Location: New Hampshire Filmmaker Origin: Massachusetts Synopsis: Mardi has a rich relationship with nature that has evolved and deepened throughout her life. In the last 20 years she’s dedicated much of her time to exploring the landscape in the White Mountains (unfortunately coined “The Whites” by...