2020 MOFF Official Selection

About This Project


Henry Iddon / Richard Berry

Total Running Time:


Filming Location:

United Kingdom

Filmmaker Origin:

United Kingdom


Is it possible to ski at least once a month in Scotland for a year, or even ten years? ‘Hilly Skiing’ follows the story of one remarkable Scottish skier – Helen ‘Hilly’ Rennie – who skied at least once a month for 120 months. The film reflects on life’s challenges, climate change and a love of skiing in Scotland. Above all though it show’s how ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things.

This film to be screened at:

7/31/20 – Late Show – Thompson’s Point – Portland

7/31 Thompsons Point Late Show, 8/21 Casco, 9/12 Bethel, 9/4 Rangeley, MOFF 2020