
Filmmaker(s): Dan Dunn, Josh Bogardus Total Running Time: 0:12:50 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: At the doorstep of Huntington Ravine, sits The Harvard Cabin — a remote respite for ice climbers and backcountry skiers to escape the elements. “The Caretaker" follows the story of Jack Kingsley, who spends his days...

Filmmaker(s): Caleb N.L. Baker Total Running Time: 0:02:30 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: This short film is the product of a twelve month process examining the meanderings of a central Maine brook from above. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The White Pine Shorts Block at The Eastern Prom - *World Premiere* Film...

Filmmaker(s): Nick Martini Total Running Time: 0:13:49 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: 109 Below tells a tale of resilience and grit when rescue volunteers go to save the lives of strangers. An attempted rescue on Mount Washington in 1982 changed not only the course of two climbers’ lives, but the lives...

Filmmaker(s): Steep Motion, Nicole Southwell Total Running Time: 0:25:00 Filming Location: France, United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Frontline follows a resilient group of women who use running, friendship, and adventure as their antidote to burnout from working in healthcare. Together, they're training to trail run Mont Blanc, circumnavigating Europe's highest peak over...

Filmmaker(s): Connor David Brady, Josey Brady Total Running Time: 0:14:21 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: Ski Venture, a Ski Co-op started in 1937 tucked away in the West Glenville hills of Upstate New York is 110 feet, tow rope accessed, and all natural snow. If an alternative model of skiing...

Filmmaker(s): Aaron Garcia Total Running Time: 0:03:41 Filming Location: Switzerland Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: In the beautiful and towering mountains of Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, a paradise for Wingsuit professionals seeking thrills during the off-season, the lives of two men converge. Avalon, an American Wingsuit pilot, and a Filipino-Australian documentary filmmaker unite to capture Avalon's audacious...

Filmmaker(s): Katie Hake Total Running Time: 0:12:13 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: From slicing through rapids in a whitewater kayak to carving into a plate while printmaking, Alexandra “Chachi” Riesco draws lines between geologic forces and her work and play — but following her own line isn’t always easy. As Chachi...

Filmmaker(s): Charlotte Simons, Gen Liu Total Running Time: 0:30:25 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: A man jettisons his life in New Hampshire to run across America and find his own way to live. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The White Pine Shorts Block at The Eastern Prom Film...