
Filmmaker(s): Matt Raimondo Total Running Time: 0:08:00 Filming Location: Australia Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: “IAN” is a short cinematic portrayal of the incredible 72-year-old Aussie climbing legend Ian Elliott. Defying age stereotypes, Ian’s prowess challenges societal norms as he scales cliffs with the vigor of climbers half his age, inspiring awe and defying expectations. This...

Filmmaker(s): Casey Dubois Total Running Time: 0:18:32 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: After traumatic experiences in competitive gymnastics sparked a decade-long downward spiral, Tori Wood seeks to reconcile and build from her past through her 2023 season of mountain bike racing. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - The Hemlock Shorts...

Filmmaker(s): Colin Arisman, Oliver Sutro Total Running Time: 0:19:03 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: SCHOOL OF FISH offers an intimate portrait inside one family's seasonal salmon rituals and their connection to the Bristol Bay Guide Academy, where local youth are empowered through flyfishing to serve as guides and conservationists. Can the...

Filmmaker(s): Timmy ONeill Total Running Time: 0:14:48 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Nevada Synopsis: Soundscape shares the sightless experience of climbing a mountain via echo location, touch and imagination. Soundscape features Erik Weihenmayer, a global adventure athlete and author who is fully blind, as he ascends a massive alpine rock face deep in...

Filmmaker(s): Mallory R Duncan, Patrick Elmore Total Running Time: 0:09:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Oregon Synopsis: A skier contemplates his connection to skiing and the mountains. As he hurries through the streets of LA, his path takes a turn after bumping into a jazz musician who helps him discover the correlation between...

Filmmaker(s): Brooke Raines Total Running Time: 0:03:47 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: WEEKLONG follows the transformative journey of foster and underserved young adults as they embark on an ambitious mission to summit one of Southern California's most grueling peaks – San Gorgonio. This deeply human story explores each participant's inner and...

Filmmaker(s): Laurent Poliquin Total Running Time: 0:44:37 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Quebec Synopsis: This film follows the jounrey Nicolas and Guillaume during their 8 month journey through the Candian wilderness. Known as one of the longest wilderness expeditions in Canadian history they travel by means of skiing, canoeing and cycling, completing an expedition...