Film Title: THIS IS MAINE Filmmaker: Jeremy T Grant Town of Residence: Waldo This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: THE LOST TRIBE OF THE WICKLOW MOUNTAINS Filmmaker: Dylan Ladds Town of Residence: Portland This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: SALT PINE SUMMER Filmmaker: Liam Scanlon Town of Residence: Woolwich This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: RIDING RAVEN Filmmaker: Greg O'Connor Town of Residence: China This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: OUTDOOR FILM FELLOWSHIP BEHIND THE SCENES Filmmaker: Anna Burns Town: Falmouth This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: FREEDIVING LAKES & PONDS Filmmaker: Steve Underwood Town of Residence: Scarborough This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: ENDLESS DREAMER Filmmaker: Jennifer Breton Town of Residence: Lewiston This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title:CARRABASSETT VALLEY MAINE'S ULTIMATE MOUNTAIN BIKING DESTINATION Filmmaker: Rob Holmes Town of Residence: Kennebunk This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...
Film Title: BEYOND THE LEAVES Filmmaker: Alec Salisbury Town of Residence: Portland This film is a 2020 Broke and stoked Finalist Watch the film below and then Vote! Broke and Stoked $1000 Prize Money Underwritten By: ...