
Filmmaker(s): bossard nicolas Total Running Time: 0:26:00 Filming Location: Pakistan Filmmaker Origin: France Synopsis: Éric Jamet and Antoine Pecher have achieve the feat of jumping from the top of Nameless Tower in Pakistan (6200m) after having climbed the Eternal Flame route, These experiences combine the most beautiful climbing routes in the world with the...

  Filmmaker(s): Maxime Moulin Total Running Time: 0:30:00 Filming Location: France, Norway Filmmaker Origin: France Synopsis: Why do we make films? Skiers, Sam Favret & Nikolaï Schirmer team up in Norway to find the best mountain lines on a ski touring trip. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The Jonesing for Winter Shorts Block...

Filmmaker(s): Colin Arisman, Oliver Sutro Total Running Time: 0:19:03 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: SCHOOL OF FISH offers an intimate portrait inside one family's seasonal salmon rituals and their connection to the Bristol Bay Guide Academy, where local youth are empowered through flyfishing to serve as guides and conservationists. Can the...

Filmmaker(s): Chelsea J Jolly Total Running Time: 0:25:20 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Alaska Synopsis: Set in the remote village of Yakutat, Alaska, "With the Tide'' follows the youth of the Tlingit tribe as they further explore their relationship to the ocean, themselves, and the expanse of isolated wilderness they call home. Over...

Filmmaker(s): Chelsea J Jolly, David Herasimtschuk Total Running Time: 0:09:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Oregon Synopsis: JOJO celebrates a creative and musical portrait of JoJo Nyaribo, a young nature lover and wildlife advocate as he explores the meaning of biodiversity and stewardship in his own backyard. This story weaves together Jojo's love...

Filmmaker(s): Alastair Lee Total Running Time: 0:30:00 Filming Location: Greenland Filmmaker Origin: United Kingdom Synopsis: Join the wild bunch of Jacob Cook, Bronwyn Hodgins, Angela Vanwiemeersch, Kelsey Watts and Zack Goldberg-Poch, along with professional film maker Jaron Pham, as they take on a modern day expedition in Greenland kayaking 450km to access 'Sanderson's Hope'-...

Filmmaker(s): Timmy ONeill Total Running Time: 0:14:48 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Nevada Synopsis: Soundscape shares the sightless experience of climbing a mountain via echo location, touch and imagination. Soundscape features Erik Weihenmayer, a global adventure athlete and author who is fully blind, as he ascends a massive alpine rock face deep in...

Filmmaker(s): Nick Martini Total Running Time: 0:13:49 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: 109 Below tells a tale of resilience and grit when rescue volunteers go to save the lives of strangers. An attempted rescue on Mount Washington in 1982 changed not only the course of two climbers’ lives, but the lives...

Filmmaker(s): Will Floor Total Running Time: 0:07:18 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Utah Synopsis: Madeline, a trail runner, triumphs over childhood trauma through running, using her past as fuel to promote joy over perfection. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 - The Yellow Birch Shorts Block at Maine Studio Works (Big Room) ...

Filmmaker(s): Bene Meadows Total Running Time: 0:10:59 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: In the Appalachians, there are species of bass found nowhere else on Earth. They are genetically-distinct in dire need of help. A community has rallied around them to champion the species. Join Matt and Mary Beth as they...