
Filmmaker(s): Jeremy MATHIEU Total Running Time: 0:40:50 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: An investigation to understand the impacts of the fish farms industry on the West coast of Vancouver Island This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - The Enviro Stewardship + Climate Change Shorts Block A (at MSW Big Room) Film...

Filmmaker(s): Lauren Zito Total Running Time: 0:10:41 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: A joint Expedition with Maine sculptor, Duncan Hewitt, as he re-imagines his work, "Yellow and Silver Smash Up". This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - Art, Science + The Outdoors at the Salt Institute at MECA&D - *World Premiere* Film Trailer: ...

Filmmaker(s): Ryan Rumpca Total Running Time: 0:14:02 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: A Line in the Snow follows professional arctic explorer Annie Aggens and her two daughters on a dog sledding winter camping trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. The group learns valuable life and wilderness skills powered...

Filmmaker(s): Greg Hemmings Total Running Time: 0:22:40 Filming Location: Brazil Filmmaker Origin: Canada Synopsis: On December 25, 2021, the world lost one of its greatest scientists and the "godfather of biodiversity," Dr. Thomas Lovejoy. Join his family and several of his closest friends and colleagues on an educational journey and heartfelt mission of love...

Filmmaker(s): Jordan Marie Whetstone Total Running Time: 0:09:58 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Virginia Synopsis: When representation is everything, it can make a difference and have a profound impact when community is included in spaces that lack inclusion and diversity. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The Black Cherry Shorts Program at...

Filmmaker(s): Danny J Schmidt Total Running Time: 0:17:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Utah Synopsis: 4DWN tells the unconventional and deeply personal story of a South Dallas skatepark whose mission is to change the lives of everyone who walks through the gate. The 4DWN skatepark is a resilience hub rooted in skate culture,...

Filmmaker(s): Eli Matthew Obus Total Running Time: 0:04:33 Filming Location: United Kingdom Filmmaker Origin: United Kingdom Synopsis: In the Scottish Highlands, freshwater pearl mussels are a particularly prized part of the environment. Julius Caesar invaded Britain to seize the gems, and they even adorn the Crown of Scotland. But poaching and climate change have...

Filmmaker(s): Dean Leslie Total Running Time: 0:19:08 Filming Location: Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United States Filmmaker Origin: Rhode Island Synopsis: Through a beautifully choreographed fusion of sailing, freediving, and skiing, "Rhythm of Water" aims to ignite, provoke, and captivate us, prompting a fresh perspective on our world, our water, and our choices. This film...

Filmmaker(s): Chris Ozminski Total Running Time: 0:16:21 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: Travel on foot through the great white north with a team of expeditioneers. Immerse in wilderness while crossing into the Arctic Watershed, navigating harsh conditions and the approaching winter of life. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The...

Filmmaker(s): Jared James Lank Total Running Time: 0:07:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: Calling on the strength of his ancestors, a young Mi’kmaq man reflects on the pain of bearing witness to the destruction of his homelands. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The Maine Filmmaker Showcase at Maine Studio...