
Filmmaker(s): Matt Raimondo Total Running Time: 0:08:00 Filming Location: Australia Filmmaker Origin: Australia Synopsis: “IAN” is a short cinematic portrayal of the incredible 72-year-old Aussie climbing legend Ian Elliott. Defying age stereotypes, Ian’s prowess challenges societal norms as he scales cliffs with the vigor of climbers half his age, inspiring awe and defying expectations. This...

Filmmaker(s): Josh Povec Total Running Time: 0:12:42 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: When a winter storm hits the island on the frontier between the Maine coast and the open ocean there often is just one person on it. Charlie Perakis is on the hunt for stories that are told by animals...

Filmmaker(s): Casey Dubois Total Running Time: 0:18:32 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: British Columbia Synopsis: After traumatic experiences in competitive gymnastics sparked a decade-long downward spiral, Tori Wood seeks to reconcile and build from her past through her 2023 season of mountain bike racing. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - The Hemlock Shorts...

Filmmaker(s): Greg Cairns Total Running Time: 0:05:54 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: A skier takes on a solo multi-week bikepacking and ski mountaineering journey. With a simple change of perspective, it turns out our home range is all we need. This film to be screened: Saturday, 7/27 - The Black Cherry Shorts...

Filmmaker(s): Justin Harris Total Running Time: 0:30:44 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: West Virginia Synopsis: The film focuses on nordic skiing at the iconic White Grass Ski Area, and the mountain’s relationship to the Blackwater River kayaking community. The Blackwater links the two communities, and its water is the lifeblood of both cultures....

Filmmaker(s): John Jenkins Total Running Time: 0:00:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: A brief chance opportunity to climb the highest peak in the lower 48 United States as told by someone just interested in testing themselves. Just to try and do something difficult. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 -...

Filmmaker(s): Kaki Orr, Rob Wassmer Total Running Time: 0:33:12 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: United States Synopsis: In 2022, Hilaree Nelson, Emily Harrington, Christina Lustenburger, and Brette Harrington embarked on an expedition above the Arctic circle with a vision to climb and ski first descents on Baffin Island. What they found was a celebration...

Filmmaker(s): Anna Wilder Burns, Jordyn Romero Total Running Time: 0:28:00 Filming Location: Canada, United States Filmmaker Origin: Massachusetts Synopsis: Beyond Normal chronicles the journey of professional surfer Becca Speak as she fights her way back to the water after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The film is an intimate portrait of self-discovery and a...

Filmmaker(s): Tara Roberts Zabriskie Total Running Time: 0:50:42 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine Synopsis: The Buzz on Native Plants explores the relationship between native plants and pollinators and how they can benefit local ecosystems in our ever changing climate. This film to be screened: Friday, 7/26 - at Maine Studio Works -...

Filmmaker(s): Michael Haunschmidt, Mathias Kögel Total Running Time: 0:35:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Austria Synopsis: DESCENDANCE is Dennis' story: the story of a kid who, in the town where he was born and raised, had to answer the question, "Where are you really from?" It's a story of identity, everyday racism and...