
Filmmaker(s): Jim Picariello, Carrie Wachob Total Running Time: 0:15:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Maine/Washington Synopsis: Owner of the world’s largest private collection of Oz memorabilia, Willard Carroll is living proof that one story can change the entire trajectory of your life. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The Maine Filmmaker Showcase...

Filmmaker(s): Laurent Poliquin Total Running Time: 0:44:37 Filming Location: Canada Filmmaker Origin: Quebec Synopsis: This film follows the jounrey Nicolas and Guillaume during their 8 month journey through the Candian wilderness. Known as one of the longest wilderness expeditions in Canadian history they travel by means of skiing, canoeing and cycling, completing an expedition...

Filmmaker(s): Vasu Sojitra, Jessica Jane Hart Total Running Time: 0:15:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Montana Synopsis: Three athletes with different disabilities gather in the backcountry to enjoy the snow and share their experiences of living in a world that has been conditioned to exclude them. This film to be screened: Sunday, 7/28 -...

Filmmaker(s): Mason Flint Total Running Time: 0:04:00 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Washington Synopsis: A teenager takes a visit to the valley in which rests his grandfather's cabin. He explores the surroundings while reflecting on the cabin's origins and its sacredness to him and his family. His meditations conclude with a note of...

  Filmmaker(s): Nora Long Total Running Time: 0:21:25 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Alabama Synopsis: MUSSEL MEMORY explores the significance of reconnecting river systems and protecting Alabama's freshwater mussels, our natural water filtration system. Join scientists, conservationists, engineers and anglers as they fight to restore fish passage along the Alabama and Cahaba Rivers. This film...

Filmmaker(s): Gwen Kathryn Thomson Total Running Time: 0:04:41 Filming Location: United Kingdom Filmmaker Origin: United Kingdom Synopsis: Following a life-changing climbing fall, Cheryl is told she might never walk again, launching her on a journey to heal the trauma of that day and testing her inner-resilience to the limits. Echdoe follows her anxious return...

Filmmaker(s): Ben Knight Total Running Time: 0:36:48 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Colorado Synopsis: Water is a finite resource — and an essential one. For farmers, it’s everything. In this poignant new film, award-winning director Ben Knight explores a national issue around water through an intimate portrait of a small community in Pueblo,...

Filmmaker(s): Josh "Bones" Murphy Total Running Time: 1:07:06 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: California Synopsis: THE SCALE OF HOPE follows former Obama White House Climate Advisor, Molly Kawahata, as she prepares for a climb in the Alaska Range while struggling with mental illness and working to create a new climate narrative framed around...

Filmmaker(s): Lucas Gibbons Total Running Time: 0:22:36 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: Washington Synopsis: Unpaid Overtime takes a deeper dive into the professional amateur side of snowboarding. Riders from all walks of life talk about how they support their addiction to snowboarding and why they take the extra step and spend their time...

Filmmaker(s): Charlotte Simons, Gen Liu Total Running Time: 0:30:25 Filming Location: United States Filmmaker Origin: New York Synopsis: A man jettisons his life in New Hampshire to run across America and find his own way to live. This film to be screened: Thursday, 7/25 - The White Pine Shorts Block at The Eastern Prom Film...