
Film Title: INGRAINED Filmmaker: Ian Dow Hometown: Winthrop Awards: READY TO VOTE? Your Vote Will Help MOFF and Three Rivers Whitewater award $500 to a Maine Filmmaker WATCH MORE BROKE AND STOKED FILMS A JOURNEY IN DOWNEAST MAINE Directed by: Ryan Malagara from Whiting AIR, FIRE, AND WATER Directed by: Gabe Souza and Mark Fleming from Biddeford CHASING SPOTS Directed...

Director: Ben Severance - Timber & Frame Total Running Time: 4:34 Origin: Maine Synopsis: When you sell yourself as a place for people to visit, you risk losing your community. And there is no place like Maine. Awards: This film to be screened at: 8/29/2019 - Stonington Ball Field - Stonington - (FB Event) 9/14/2019 - Down...

Director: Ben Keller Total Running Time: 1:21:01 Origin: Maine Synopsis: Just One Step is Mainer Ben Keller's feature length documentary telling the story of why we run, indeed, why we NEED to run. Involving athletes, doctors, scientists and regular folks, the story takes us to the streets, the track, the woods and...

Director: Brett Wiese Saunders Total Running Time: 17:00 Origin: ME/NH Synopsis: A week in the woods of Rangeley, Maine with a deer hunter/tracker named, Lee. My goal with this project was to throw myself into a totally foreign and personally uncomfortable scenario in hopes of understanding someone vastly different than myself (the...

Director: Craig Muderlak Total Running Time: 0:15:10 Origin: Washington Synopsis: For paraplegic, Enock Glidden, the strength to do 3,000 pull-ups was not enough to climb El Capitan; He needed the power of a community of climbers dedicated to making his dream a reality. Awards: From the Filmmaker: Enock and I met and became friends through...

Director: Daniel Holz, Paul Lebel Total Running Time: 0:11:34 Origin: Colorado Synopsis: Professional climber Marcus Garcia travels from his home in southwest Colorado's San Juan Mountains to the limestone cliffs and spires of of El Potrero Chico in northern Mexico to revisit his mentor's final climb. In an emotional and powerful act...

Director: Colin Scott Total Running Time: 0:13:29 Origin: Montana Synopsis: MOVEMENTS is the symphonic saga - in four parts (Rainbow, Steelhead, Musky, Striper) - of three Alaska fishing guides who road trip their way home in a 2003 Dodge Caravan (best known as 'Van-a White' and for its lack of a reverse...

Director: Kristin Gates, Jeremy Là Zelle Total Running Time: 0:16:52 Origin: California Synopsis: It's always best to experience what you're fighting for. When two adventurers embark on a dangerous four-month expedition documenting the world's longest land mammal migration through the Arctic Refuge of Alaska, they soon discover an incredible ecosystem protected by...